
XML is widely used format for storing all kinds of data and XSLT standard represents a standardized way, how to transform a XML document to a different structure. Many XSLT implementation has been introduced, but the most of them uses an in-memory representation of the transformed XML document. The implementation called xslt4db uses the relational database engine to store processed document and takes advantages of SQL to evaluate XPath expressions used by XSLT. First, importing source XML document into the relational engine. For processing XPath expressions, the XPath to SQL convertor is introduced. Lastly, the processing of XSLT stylesheets by relational database engine is shown.

xslt4db processing

This implementation has been created as a student project and so far it should not be used in production environment.

Firebird SQL

Open source relational database engine used as a backend for xslt4db. More…


Detailed description about implementation can be found in xslt4db article presented at international IADIS 2008 conference.

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Core of XSLT processing is implemented in Firebird stored procedures and free version of IBExpert development tool has been used. More…

Java and Eclipse

Some parts are implemented in Java and Eclipse IDE is used for development. More…


The entire project is built by Maven, which is declarative Java oriented built tool. More…