Getting started

You can find here brief instructions how to install and run xslt4db implementation.

Instal Java Runtime Environment

The JRE of version at least 1.5 is necessary for running xslt4db. It can be downloaded from this site.

Install Firebird and database

  1. Download current Firebird release from its download page
  2. Download xslt4db Firebird database from project download site and save it to the $DB_FOLDER. It is also possible to download backuped database file FBK and restore it by Firebird gbak tool.
  3. Define alias for this database called xmldb which will point to $DB_FOLDER/xml.fdb. Example alias definition file aliases.conf can be also downloaded from xslt4db download site.
  4. rFunc UDF library is necessary. It can be downloaded from here. The downloaded dynamic linked library has to be installed into standard Firebird by copying into UDFs folder $FIREBIRD_HOME/UDF.

Install xslt4db and run it

  1. Download xslt4db binary distribution ZIP file from download page and unzip it.
  2. Run xslt4db interface by running xslt4db.bat or
  3. Now if all goes well the xslt command prompt appears: xslt>

User interface

  1. help prints list of all possible commands
  2. quit or exit stops XSLT processor
  3. delete(filename) deletes document selected by the filename from database
  4. deleteId(documentId) deletes document selected by its document id from database
  5. clear deletes all data from database
  6. import(filename) imports file from system into database; generated new document id for this file is printed to the console (if document with the same name already exists in database, this document is deleted before import)
  7. export(filename,destinationFilename) exports document from database selected by its filename into the destination filename (destination file is overwritten, if already exists)
  8. exportId(documentId,destinationFilename) exports document selected by its document id into the destination filename
  9. process(sourceDocumentId,xsltDocumentId) executes XSLT stylesheet selected by document id on the source document selected by document id; new generated document id for output is printed to the console and output has XSLToutput filename always
  10. xslt(sourceFilename,xsltFilename,destinationFilename) standard XSLT usage command which imports source and stylesheet documents into the database and processes stylesheet on the source document; output document is exported into the destination filename; all three documents are leaved in the database


An archive with samples using supported XSLT subset can be downloaded from download page. The book sample shows some not trivial XSLT feautes. On the other hand, catalog sample demonstrates usage on larger XML data.

Firebird SQL

Open source relational database engine used as a backend for xslt4db. More…

Related links

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Core of XSLT processing is implemented in Firebird stored procedures and free version of IBExpert development tool has been used. More…

Java and Eclipse

Some parts are implemented in Java and Eclipse IDE is used for development. More…


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